Conquer Addiction's 5-Star Addiction Treatment Market


What is the 5-Star Addiction Treatment Market?

A transparent medical market of proven high-quality, high-value addiction treatment providers, each offering a specified episode of treatment at an all-inclusive, cash up-front price.  If a patient relapses within 90 days of leaving treatment, the patient can return to treatment once at no additional cost.


Why is the Market Needed?

Outcomes research proves that there’s a tremendous variation in the effectiveness of addiction treatment providers. Unfortunately, so many rehabs exaggerate their success rates that it is almost impossible for patients to identify the truly effective ones.  The 5-Star Addiction Treatment Market fixes this problem by only including rehabs that have independent research showing that at least 40% of their patients are doing well one year post-treatment: 

Rehab success rates vary tremendously


How Will the Market Work:

By allowing patients who quickly relapse to return to treatment one time at no additional cost, every member of the Market is focused on achieving the same thing – helping individuals fully recover from addiction.   

How 5-Star Addiction Treatment Market Will Work


When Will the Market Be Operating?




Launch Date

October 1, 2024

Late 2025

No. of Market Providers

8 - 16


Provider Selection Mode

Outcomes research

  • Outcomes research OR
  • National claims data analysis

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