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Searching for Effective Treatment?  Here's What You Need to Know

Unlike the vast majority of other websites that claim they can help you find the "best" treatment, Conquer Addiction's ratings are based on scientific outcomes research.  After monitoring patients throughout their time in treatment, an independent research company followed up with patients six months and one year after they left treatment to learn whether they had succeeded in stopping drinking and using illicit drugs.  Former patients who could not be contacted are assumed to be using again.  The actual research results for rehabs with star ratings are reported on their Conquer Addiction page, along with information for how to contact them.

Created as a result of a mother's frustration trying to find effective treatment for her alcoholic daughter, the sole purpose of Conquer Addiction's directory is to help you find treatment that has worked for a large number of patients. Conquer Addiction is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that has no ownership in any rehab and does not benefit in any way from your choice of which rehab to attend.  

Creating this directory is the first step in Conquer Addiction's bigger mission.  Read on to learn more.


Revolutionizing Addiction Treatment So One Million
More Americans Can Recover by 2030


Conquer Addiction plans to revolutionize addiction treatment in the next five years by fixing two major problem that are keeping the industry from becoming more effective:

  1. The lack of transparency and accountability for addiction treatment outcomes
  2. The need for large-scale, real-world research to predict the type of treatment most likely to be effective for an individual based on their drug use history and demographic and psychographic factors

By conducting research to address both of these needs, Conquer Addiction believes we can help at least one million more people recover from addiction by 2030.  Learn about the Conquer Addiction Moonshot here. 

While we’re still in the early stages of this journey, we’ve made some progress already.  Since 2020, families, employers and labor unions have been able to use Conquer Addiction’s free online directory to identify rehabs with excellent independently-verified outcomes and contact them directly.  Learn how Conquer Addiction vets rehabs.

And as of October 1, 2024, Conquer Addiction has launched the Five Star Addiction Treatment Market.  Market members recommend at least one episode of treatment they’ll provide along with its all-inclusive cash price.  What makes these market offerings so unique is that the centers promise to pay the full treatment cost of a second episode of treatment for any patients who relapse within 90 days of completing treatment.  


Need Help Now?


If you're currently struggling with a child or other loved one's addiction, this note from our co-founder spells out how Conquer Addiction can help:

Dear Parent,


If your child, spouse or other family member has become seriously addicted to alcohol or drugs, you might be feeling scared about what’s going to happen to them, angry at what they’re putting you through, and clueless about how to help.  I know. I’ve been there.  When I realized my smart, loving, beautiful daughter was drinking enough alcohol to potentially kill herself night after night, I was terrified. Read my story.


We were very lucky.  After six hellish years in and out of treatment, Karina was finally able to become and remain sober.  Read Karina’s story.  Eleven years later, she is now the loving mother to three beautiful girls and jets around the country speaking for her company.  So my first message for you is a positive one – don’t give up hope.  Even when it seems impossible to imagine, your child can fully recover.


But the hard truth is, it won’t be easy.  Addiction is a villainous disease, warping its victim’s brains to make them think they can’t (or don’t want to) survive without their booze or drugs.   Convincing your child to go to treatment is your first big challenge.  If you’ve achieved that, you’re a big step closer. Now you need to find a good rehab for them to attend.


We learned the hard way that while there are many effective treatment centers, there are also a lot that aren’t.  Unfortunately, you can’t tell the difference by looking at their pretty websites or listening to their salesmen’s promises. We started Conquer Addiction in 2014 to provide families with the resource we desperately needed during the dark years when Karina was struggling – a searchable database of rehabs with independently-verified success rates.


Finding Rehabs Which Can Prove Their Treatment Works


All of the rehabs with a three, four or five star rating on Conquer Addiction have invested in outcomes research which systematically follows up with their patients for at least one year after they leave treatment.  The biggest difference between the research results on Conquer Addiction’s website and the ridiculous claims of 80+% rehab success rates you might hear elsewhere is that we compare the number of patients who said they were meeting their treatment goals to the total number of patients the researchers attempted to contact; if a patient doesn’t respond to the research request, Conquer Addiction assumes they are using. We further ensure accuracy by requiring rehabs to follow stringent requirements for conducting the research and to submit updated research results to our independent panel of judges at least once a year. Rehabs pay a nominal fee ($199/year) to share their research results on Conquer Addiction.


To find an effective rehab that meets your needs, enter what you’re looking for in the search box at the top of this page.  If it’s important that the treatment center be nearby, enter your state in the Location box.  If you know you need residential treatment or that the rehab be in-network with your insurance , enter that information in the Levels of Care or Payment Options boxes.  Select “Find Rehab” to see a list of rehabs with those with the best independently-verified success rates at the top of the list.  Click on the name of a rehab to see more detailed information about them, including their actual research results and their contact information.


Because only a tiny fraction of rehabs (well less than 1%) are following up effectively with their patients after treatment and willing to publicly share their results, you may be disappointed by the number of rehabs with verified success rates that you find. We’re planning on dramatically expanding the number of verified-effective rehabs on Conquer Addiction by late 2025 through the Conquer Addiction Moonshot.     


The Five Star Addiction Treatment Market 


To further improve rehab transparency and accountability, Conquer Addiction launched the Five Star Addiction Treatment Market on October 1, 2024. Rehabs with greater than 40% success rates who chose to join the market have defined at least one episode of treatment and its all-inclusive  cash price.  What makes the market so unique is that these centers have agreed to cover the treatment costs of a second episode of treatment for any patients who commit to one of these episodes and relapse within 90 days of completing treatment! And while there are only a small number of Five Star Addiction Treatment Market centers today, we expect to have hundreds more by late 2025 as a result of the Conquer Addiction Moonshot.


All payments for attending Five Star Market centers are made directly to the treatment center by employers, labor unions, or the patient.  



Whatever you do, please don’t try to tackle your loved one’s addiction alone.  Our Resources page recommends excellent sources of information and support you should take advantage of.  If you’re facing a tough decision and want to know what the research says, send us a question. And most of all, take care of yourself.  This may be the most stressful time in your entire life, and you can’t help your son, daughter, or other loved one if you fall apart too.


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